Millionaire turned Monk
On a quiet day, on 15-Mar-2010, at the age of thirty, Om Swami quietly walked away from everyone he had known and everything he had built. Giving away his wealth, he renounced his multi-million-dollar enterprise in search of his truth. It was a promise he had made to himself ten years earlier. None of his family members or friends knew where he had gone.
An expert meditator
Om Swami has devoted 15,000 hours to meditation and has demonstrated, under lab conditions, the ability to shut down his heartbeat, change his body temperature and bring his brain activity to a perfect standstill with the sheer force of concentration.
Unconventional Monk
Om Swami is not called unconventional without a reason. While you may hear him chant Vedic verses eloquently, in the same breath he might dish out Shakespeare and Socrates for you. Above all though, it's his personal values that set him apart.
In his own words
Some twenty years ago, during my MBA, I was taught a term: "ripe for disruption". That is, every now and then a startup emerges that challenges the status quo of traditional industries. Think cell phones, e-books etc. I feel the same way about being a monk. I'm here to shake things up.